Climate – Ice
Greenland ice sheet, mass balance, climate change
Start year:
End year:
Dorthe Pedersen
Asiaq contact person
PROMICE (Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet) is a project focused on monitoring the surface melt and ice flow of the Greenland ice sheet. It was initiated in 2007, and today 25 automatic weather stations provide observations of ice and weather along the margins of the ice sheet.
In addition to the weather stations, three airborne surveys have been conducted since 2007, measuring elevation and ice-sheet bedrock along the 1700 m elevation contour of the ice sheet. All data are publicly available through the project website.
Asiaq is the Greenland-based collaborator in the project. We contribute by supplying measurements of run-off from locations receiving meltwater from the ice sheet and supporting field operations when necessary.